Tips To Make Your Self-Care A Priority

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The star of each month is an excellent time to focus on what you can do to make yourself a priority during that month and for the rest of the year.

But, before you plan for the future it is always a good idea to reflect on the past.  This process holds true for most aspects of life especially your well-being.

Ask yourself:

*Did I focus on more than just my basic self-care needs?

*Did I create and commit to a plan to monitor my self-care?

*What took me off track and why?

Here is some advice to help you focus on making self-care a priority each month.

Make a list of the self-care habits you would like to develop.  Do you need to exercise more, eat better, meditate or schedule "me" time once a month?  Don't limit yourself,  list everything you want to change then go back and edit.  

Be realistic and focus on what is most important to you.  Be honest about what you are willing to commit to so that your outcome will be successful.

Decide what processes you need to prepare yourself for self-care success. Do you need to schedule self-care time? Do you need to shop and prep food?  Can you find an accountability partner who is like minded about self-care?

Be gentle but focused!  Don't beat yourself up if your plan is not perfect along the way.  Remember steady action is better than no action.

Remember there is only one you, and ONLY YOU can make your well-being a priority.